The Journey to ‘Refuse’

Living on a tight budget and in a very small space has allowed me to practice the firs R of Zero Waste almost effortlessly. In Zero Waste, the 5 Rs are guiding principles to minimize household waste: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rot. Refuse is the first and more important of the Rs.

7% longer

I was listening to a podcast episode of the Ideas at the House talk series. This one in particular was titled How to Save the World. One of the guests was environmentalist Jonathan Drori, whose challenge during the talk was to provide ideas on how to save the world. In the 8 minutes he was given,…


I need a fall jacket. A couple of weeks ago I dug my old fall jacket out of a box and ran out the door for work. While on the train, I realized my jacket was covered in dog hair. Not a few hairs, it was COVERED. Then I remembered that jacket is so old,…